Solar Light for Africa, Ltd. (SLA) is a unique non-profit organization. The mission of the NGO is to transform lives and empower the people of Africa by providing light and energy using the natural power of the sun or solar energy.
The goal of SLA is to educate the public on the advantages of renewable energy for the benefit of impoverished communities throughout the world.
Some of the activities of the group are:
*The decreasing of environmental and human degradation by providing a clean energy source, replacing the noxious fumes of kerosene lanterns that shorten people’s life spans.
*Aiding in economic development by providing light after the sun goes down for increased productivity and enabling students to study at night.
*Facilitating young people’s access to the 21st century by providing solar power for computers and televisions, enabling global education and internet connection through satellites for more than 15 schools.
Using solar power for activities in certain regions of Africa is a great effort as Africa lacks resources for many other forms of energy and thus finding and using alternative/non-traditional sources of energy should be encouraged.
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